Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of Directors at Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited are well aware of their role, responsibilities and fiduciary duties assigned to them by the Company’s shareholders. The shareholders expect the Board of Directors to govern the Company to ensure efficient and transparent management that creates trust and confidence amongst all stakeholders. The Company conducts its business by adhering to the principles of good corporate governance and business ethics in order to lead the Company’s businesses to develop and prosper at a stable and sustainable rate.
The Board of Directors has continuously been taking the good corporate governance of the Company seriously since the adoption of a good corporate governance policy as the principles of management accomplishment in 2002. They subsequently revised the policy in late 2007 to raise the standard of the corporate governance of the Company and to conform to the best practices as required by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Stock Exchange of Thailand. In 2013, the Corporate Governance Center of the Stock Exchange of Thailand announced the Principles for Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies 2012 which were revised to be compatible with ASEAN CG Scorecard criteria and international best practices based on the Principle of Corporate Governance of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD Principles of Corporate Governance) thus helping Thai listed firms to have their common stocks considered as one of the ASEAN asset classes. The principle comprises of 5 categories, namely:
- Rights of Shareholders
- Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
- Role of Stakeholders
- Disclosure and Transparency
- Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
To ensure the Company’s vigorous implementation, as prescribed in the aforementioned policy, the meeting of the Board of Directors in December 2007 resolved to establish a Good Corporate Governance Committee as a sub-committee to assist the Board of Directors on good corporate governance matters. The Good Corporate Governance Committee consists of 3 directors with a 3 years term of office. Although the Chairman of the Good Corporate Governance Committee is not an independent director, the other two committee members are independent directors.
The meeting of the Good Corporate Governance Committee in February 2013 resolved to have the Company amend the good corporate governance policy to comply with the Principles of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies 2012. The Board of Directors aims for the enhancement of good corporate governance within the organization, which requires the collaboration of four parties, namely the Board itself, the Company’s management, the Company’s independent auditors, and the Company’s internal auditors.
In order to enable the Company to achieve the above objectives and be adopted to conform to the SEC’s and SET’s principles of good corporate governance for listed companies, the Board of Directors meeting no.10/2014 on 18 September 2014 resolved to cancel the Board of Directors’ policy no. 1/2007 regarding the Good Corporate Governance Policy which became effective on 3 December 2007 and promulgate the Good Corporate Governance Policy as detailed below.
- The Board of Directors emphasizes its responsibility to protect the rights and interests of shareholders, to promote the rights of shareholders as provided by laws, and to treat shareholders equally as well as provide each of them with equal access to corporate information.
- The Board of Directors shall ensure that shareholder meetings and disclosures of corporate information are conducted in accordance with the laws and the guidelines laid down by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
- The Board of Directors shall ensure that guidelines concerning the use and protection of insider information for trading of the Company’s securities are implemented and thoroughly communicated to all relevant parties.
- The Board of Directors shall attend to the rights of stakeholders and oversee that the Company’s operations are conducted in compliance with all relevant laws.
- The Board of Directors gives special importance to uphold its corporate social responsibility, and especially in regard to those impacts from the business of the Company. To ensure that the business of the Company takes into account environmental, community and societal factors for sustainable development as well as communicated to all stakeholders.
- The Board of Directors believes the anti-corruption policy to be important, and shall oversee and monitor the implementation of the Anti-corruption policy and guidelines. The Company shall not accept or involve in any type of corruption either directly or indirectly.
- The Board of Directors emphasizes the transparency of its business operations, whereby conflicts of interest between the Company and its shareholders, and directors, employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders will be eliminated. The Board shall oversee and monitor procedures on conflicts of interest in ways that are scrupulous, honest, reasonable, independent, and moral.
Stakeholders with interests in any transaction must not participate in decision making relating to such transactions, and decisions must be made based on the benefit to the Company and its shareholders. Transaction-related information must be disclosed correctly, completely, and promptly. - The Board of Directors shall ensure that investors will have confidence in such a way that disclosures of corporate information are accurate, complete, and promptly.
- The Board of Directors must consist of no less than three independent directors.
- The Board of Directors may establish various committees, whose purpose is to perform the tasks assigned by the Board of Directors, and to study or consider matters before submitting them for consideration to the Board. These committees are the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Good Corporate Governance Committee, and Risk Management Committee. Other committees may be established as required for ensuring efficiency, fairness, and transparency of the directors’ work.
- The Board of Directors has seen fit to divide the functions of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Group CEO, and the President, among separate and different individuals, with the authority and duties of each position being clearly defined. It has also seen fit to adjust the Manual of Authorization Chart from time to time to clarify the scope of authority to be exercised by the Board and by those in management who have been assigned authority.
- The Board of Directors are responsible for determining the Company’s vision, mission, and business strategies which must be reviewed periodically as well as ensuring that management conducts company business according to these plans.
- The Board of Directors emphasizes its responsibility to oversee risk management and internal control systems of the Company, and the Board has established an independent Office of Internal Audit within the Company.
- The Board of Directors shall commit to the Company’s business philosophy and shall ensure that the Company’s operations are conducted according to the Company’s business ethics, a code of ethics for directors, a code of ethics for employees, and shall inform relevant parties.
- The Board of Directors must hold regular meetings at least once a month, and other special meetings may be held at other times if necessary. Each meeting must be arranged in advance, along with a clear agenda for the meeting. All documents necessary for the meeting must be prepared and sent to board members, as written in the Company Articles, so that they have sufficient time to peruse the documents before the meeting.
- Each sub-committee must have meetings on a regular basis: the Audit Committee, the Good Corporate Governance Committee and Risk Management Committee must have meetings at least once every three months, and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee must have meetings at least twice a year. Other special meetings may be held at other times if necessary. Each meeting must be arranged, along with a clear agenda for the meeting. All documents necessary for the meeting must be prepared and sent to the Board / Committee members, so that they have sufficient time to peruse the documents before the meeting.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for considering remuneration for company directors, Group CEO and president as proposed by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Remuneration for Group CEO and president is determined by a resolution made at the Board of Directors meeting, and any other remuneration for directors is determined by a resolution made at a shareholder meeting, whereby the amount of remuneration is considered appropriate, transparent and has no conflicts of interest.
- This policy shall be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary and appropriate.
- The guidelines to define the details / rules / practices in accordance with the policy will be issued as appropriate, however, those announcements or guidelines issued by virtue of the previous Good Corporate Governance Policy, dated 3 December 2007 will remain in force as far as it does not conflict with this policy or until further notice or new guidelines is issued by the enforcement of this policy.
Since the Company submitted a petition to the Central Bankruptcy Court (the “Court”) for Business Rehabilitation on 1 October 2015 and the Court issued an order for the Rehabilitation on 10 March 2016, the statutory rights of shareholders have been suspended except the rightto receive dividends. The Company, therefore, did not require to hold the Annual General Meeting of shareholders for 2016. Consequently, several assessment projects in relation to the Corporate Governance were not evaluated, including the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2016 (CGR) rating held by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) in cooperation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and the Quality of the Annual General Meeting rating evaluated by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission, in cooperation with Thai Investors Association and Thai Listed Companies Association.