In view of the importance of the steel industry to the national economy. SSI established a Centre for Information and Technical Counselling
In view of the importance of the steel industry to the national economy and State policies supporting small businesses engaged in production related to hot-rolled steel sheet, SSI established a Centre for Information and Technical Counselling in 2003. The main purpose of the Centre is to provide data and technical resources for entrepreneurs in this field and thereby make them more competitive and stronger in terms of financing, personnel, product quality, and services.
The services of the Centre for this particular target group consist of the following:
Information Services
Technical information related to the use of hot-rolled steel sheet
Information about product standards
Information about testing standards
Inspection Services
Counselling and Technical Advice
Technical counselling by Company experts
Technical counselling by experts from other agencies
Co-operation in developing and improving production processes and appropriate product applications
Co-operation in developing new products
Organize training courses and information about hot-rolled steel sheet products, quality assurance systems, and production management