Safety & Occupational Health
SSI has always been convinced that health,safety, and the environment are vital to the success of the organization.
SSI cares about the welfare and quality of life of everyone who comes into contact with us, be that person an employee, an employee’s family member, or a member of the communities that live around us. For that reason, we have initiated an occupational health and safety regimen compliant with TIS 18001 standards as our regular mode of operations. This system not only assures personnel of high health and safety benchmarks but also reduces the environmental impact of our operations and enhances the overall living standards of the community.
To initiate this occupational health and safety regimen, SSI established a committee responsible for occupational health, safety, and the environment. This committee was asked to determine policies and objectives, and to make plans and targets in terms of occupational health and safety. Besides instituting the appropriate measures, a occupational health and safety subcommittee was set up to implement a five-point policy program, namely:
a 5S activity subcommittee and subsidiary working group
a fire safety and emergency response subcommitteemetus congue In Sed Pellentesque tincidunt pharetra.
a safety and contractors’ subcommittee
safety committees for each department
a safety patrol team that would inspect for safety at repair and maintenance jobs
The same committee was charged with establishing occupational health, safety, and environmental policies so that all staff could participate in planning, supervising, and implementing such matters as risk assessment, and laws and rules related to occupational health and safety management.
To ensure the maximum level of safety for all and instil safety awareness among employees, SSI has instituted the following practices and activities to promote safety, namely:
5S activities
regulations and procedures appropriate for work safety at SSI
monitoring, inspections, and suggestions for safe, effective operations
staff training regarding various safety regulations
raising awareness among staff regarding safety issues
preparing an emergency response plan in case of fire, and fire drills every six months
co-ordination with outside agencies for help if the plant cannot control a situation
staff training regarding various safety regulations
preparing accident reports and accident statistics
arrangement for a medical unit with doctors and nurses on site
checking for health of lungs and hearing before entering the plant, and during annual check-ups
installation of eyewash and shower stations
installation of personal accident prevention equipment
Recognizing the serious danger posed by narcotics to the country’s human resources, SSI joined the “White Plant” program to prevent the spread of drugs in the workplace. As a result, the Company received an award for outstanding private-sector organization in the fight against narcotics in 2001 from the National Commission for the Prevention and Suppression of Narcotics, and the “White Plant” award from the Ministry of Labour. SSI provides, moreover, lecturers to speak against narcotics in communities, schools, and factories.
Because of SSI’s constant efforts in the field of occupational health and safety, we have:
consistently higher annual evaluations of the effectiveness of our occupational health and safety programs
a constant, annual decline in accident rates