Driving Business for Sustainability

Driving Business for Sustainability

Sustainability Management Policy and Goals 

Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited or SSI has the policy to manage business with social responsibility by adhering to the business operation and ethics philosophy which has been shaped into the means to push forward, drive, develop and grow on sustainable basis, as well as to operate business on basis of responsibility, transparency, integrity, and competitiveness by treating and dealing on benefits with all group of stakeholders fairly The Company set sustainable management goals by focusing on business development which could build added value and enhance value throughout the business chain to make the overall economic systems grow with quality, incur investment, expand employment and tax payment for development of the country which can lead to good quality of life of the people on sustainable basis. In addition, the sustainable development of the Company conformed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the United Nations announced as global development agenda during 2015-2030. The Company also set targets to lead Thai steel industry to low carbon business and to support carbon neutrality target within 2050. 

Support Sustainable Development Goals 

SDGs and SSI 

Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited determines to develop business by means of value added creation and enhancement of value throughout business chains for the growth of overall economic system, generation of investment, expansion of employment and tax payment for development of the country which can lead to better quality of life and well-being of the people on sustainable basis. In addition, our development is corresponding to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations which has been announced as global development agenda for the period of 2015-2030. 

SD Management System 

The Company has established the SD Management Committee, which consists of executives from each division. Their duties and responsibilities are to implement and follow up on the SD plan ensuring it to be in line with relevant policies. In addition they allocate the resources necessary for SD operation and promote the work of the SD Management Sub-Committee, which the Committee proposed to the President for appointment. The objectives of the Sub-Committee and scope of their responsibility is to support the work of SD Committee. 

The Committee reports its SD operating result to the Good Corporate Governance Committee (CG) quarterly. The duties and responsibilities of CG Committee are to provide an opinion to the management regarding SD and to monitor them in establishing a clear action plan. Furthermore they follow up on the implementation of the management plan and then submit the results to the Board of Directors.